2021-2023 Leadership
Amy Bailey, Chair
Texas Department of State Health Services
Rachel Wexler, Vice Chair
New Mexico Department of Health
Rachel's BioRachel Wexler manages the Office of Injury Prevention (OIP) for the New Mexico Department of Health (NMDOH), she has been in that role since November of 2018. As the OIP Manager Rachel oversees an Epidemiologist Unit and a Prevention Program Unit and is responsible for all NMDOH Injury Prevention efforts. The Office of Injury Prevention consists of 5 prevention program areas and includes the NM Violent Death Reporting System and the NM Child Fatality Review Program. Before joining the Office of Injury Prevention, Rachel spent 4.5 years working for the Department as a Health Promotion Coordinator, where she coordinated with NMDOH Programs and local communities to implement the Community Health Improvement Process at the local level.
Sharon Nieb, Immediate Past Chair
Injury Prevention Research Center at Emory
Marissa Rodriguez, Secretary
Texas Department of State Health Services
Ashley Bush, Treasurer
Kentucky Injury Prevention & Research Center
Ashley's BioAshley Bush works at the Kentucky Injury Prevention and Research Center (KIPRC), a bona fide agent for the Kentucky Department for Public Health, where she spends her time on the Core State Injury Prevention Program, Overdose Data to Action, and Occupational Health and Safety Surveillance grants.
Ingrid Bou-Saada, Member At-Large
North Carolina Division of Public Health, Injury and Violence Prevention Branch
Ingrid's BioIngrid Bou-Saada is an Injury Prevention Consultant at the North Carolina Division of Public Health, Injury and Violence Prevention Branch where she manages the NC Core State Injury Prevention Program (Core SIPP). She provides capacity building, resource development, and technical assistance and collaborates with partners for program and policy development to prevent violence, Adverse Childhood Experiences (ACEs), older adult falls, traumatic brain injuries (TBI), and transportation-related injuries. She received her Master of Public Health degree in Maternal and Child Health from the University of North Carolina – Chapel Hill and a Master of Arts in Anthropology from Texas A&M University.
Rhonda Jackson, Member At-Large
Florida Department of Health
For questions on joining the Network, please email Belinda Young, SE & SW IPN Director (bryoung2@live.unc.edu)