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Suicide Prevention: Introduction to and Application of State and National Data. Presenters Alex Crosby (CDC), Janet Blair (CDC), Rana Bayakly (GA DPH), and Dorian Lamis (Emory University). Using state and national data, this webinar: (1) provides an overview of recent trends in suicide, including populations disproportionately affected; (2) description of data collection processes, and available data for use; and (3) evidence-based approaches to suicide risk assessment, prevention, and safety-planning.
Access slide presentation and audio recording. Access slide presentation without recording.


Understanding and Leveraging the Power of Media for Suicide Prevention. Presenters Thomas Niederkrotenthaler (Medical University of Vienna), Frances Gonzalez (Vibrant Emotional Health), and Tom Shukis (National Suicide Prevention Lifeline). This webinar provides a detailed discussion on the influence of media (print, digital, and social media) on suicide ideation, followed by National Suicide Prevention Lifeline presentation on their efforts to address suicidal individuals, and how others can help prevent suicide through intervening on social and digital media.
Access slide presentation and audio recording. Access slide presentation without recording


Planning for Suicide Prevention. Presenters Adam Chu, Melissa Heinen, and Robert Letourneau discussed planning strategies for state and local organizations interested in comprehensively addressing suicide prevention in their community. The presenters offered:

    • The basic elements of the National Strategy for Suicide Prevention and other national resources for suicide prevention planning
    • Two approaches to creating state plans for suicide prevention
    • Tools for gaining input from partners and creating buy-in.

Access the slide presentation and audio recording and the meeting minutes.


Online Communication Approaches for Suicide Prevention. Presenter Mike Newton-Ward, the social media consultant for the NC Department of Health and Human Services provides a brief tutorial on the basics of health communications, and Jarrod Hindman, the Suicide Prevention Unit Manager, of Injury, Suicide, and Violence Prevention within the Colorado Department of Public Health and Environment gave an overview of the website, a website dedicated to preventing suicide in men. Access the slide presentations and audio recording here. Meeting minutes can be reviewed here.


The Basics of Suicide Prevention and How to Get Started by Smita Varia (The National Suicide Prevention Resource Center), Richard Burleson, and Brandi Pouncey (Alabama Department of Health). Access slide presentation with audio recording and meeting minutes.

  • Two suicide prevention posters were shared by the Alabama Department of Health–they can be used for inspiration for your own materials!