Member Highlights & Presentations
Our members hail from the following states: Alabama, Arkansas, Florida, Georgia, Kentucky, Louisiana, Mississippi, New Mexico, North Carolina, Oklahoma, South Carolina, Tennessee, and Texas.
Below is a list of presentations highlighting member activities and achievements in the recent past.
Arkansas Department of Health Injury & Violence Prevention Program by Teresa Belew, Terry Love, Austin Porter, and Katy Allison.
Slide presentation with audio recording. Slide presentation without audio. Meeting minutes.
Children’s Safety Network
The immediate past Director of the Children’s Safety Network presents on their initiatives.
Access slide presentation with audio recording.
The Injury Prevention Research Center at Emory presents Vision and Priorities for Strengthening the Bridge Between Science and Practice and Reducing Violence and Injuries in Vulnerable Populations by Shakiyla Smith, MPH. Slide presentation with audio recording. Slide presentation without audio. Meeting minutes.
Florida Department of Health Injury Prevention Program by Lisa VanderWerf-Hourigan. Access slide presentation with audio recording and meeting minutes.
Georgia Department of Public Health Injury Prevention Program by Lisa Dawson. Access slide presentation with audio recording, slide presentation without audio, and meeting minutes.
Injury Prevention Center of Greater Dallas
The Dallas Safe Communities Experience by Shelli Stephens-Stidham. Slide presentation and audio recording.
Kentucky Injury Prevention Research Center
Kentucky Injury Prevention Research Center. Access meeting minutes.
New Mexico
The New Mexico Office of Injury Prevention Program by Robin Swift: Injury in New Mexico: from Epidemiology to Action. This webinar featured information about New Mexico’s epidemiology work, substance abuse prevention, and work with sovereign nations in the state. Access the slide presentation and audio recording and meeting minutes.
North Carolina
North Carolina Injury and Violence Prevention Branch Current Activities and a Historical Perspective presented by Alan Dellapenna. Access the slide presentation and audio recording and meeting minutes.
The Oklahoma Injury Prevention Service by Sheryll Brown. Access slide presentation with audio recording and meeting minutes.
The Tennessee Injury Prevention Program by Rachel Heitman. This webinar featured information about Tennessee’s infant safe sleep work, including intervention ideas that could be translated to other states. Access the slide presentation and audio recording and meeting minutes.